Disclaimer: It's all or nothing...sorry that I'm lazy. Here's what's-a-been going on. If there are mistakes...I really don't care. Just enjoy the pictures. Love you!!!
McKenzie Ann Jackson Garner, graduation day. This was such an amazing day. I never thought this day would come, and I never never thought I was have such a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter when it did. Deven, Adelaide, Mom, Dad, Brady, Marie, and Larry were all there to celebrate with me. I'm DONE!!!!! Well, for now anyway. Hoping to get my Masters one day.
A rainy day, but it was spectacular!
Adelaide with Santa at the Smith Family Christmas Party in Morgan.
Addie got a fun little piano from Santa!
Adelaide's first Christmas! She got spoiled.
Temple Square. It was freezing, we had to bundle Addie up!!!
We found the Sesame Street ABC books online for Addie. She loves looking at them.
We decided to try getting a cat. I thought it would be fun for Addie because she absolutely loves kittens and cats. This is Nemo. We had Nemo for about a total of 10 days...yeah, on day 10, I broke out in hives and my face exploded. Nemo had to go. Grandma Peggy had to come help me clean every inch of my house and get all the cat hair. I never realized I had an allergy. Later on, Addie showed signs of cat allergies as well. Fun while it lasted.
Valentines photo shoot. My goodness, my little Adelaide is one little gorgeous girl!
Addie has always had a "thing" for Daddy's truck. She loves to be in it!
Fun in the leaves!
She loves having her picture taken.
Loves getting in the rocking chairs in the front yard.
Who needs toys when you have an empty box to play with??? :-)
MARCH 2011
Trip to Moses Lake and Seattle. This is at the aquarium in Seattle.
Space needle
Love the view...kept thinking of Grey's anatomy while I was here. Haha.
APRIL 2011
Addie's ladybug cakes!
Loved her smash cake. She wasn't shy at all. She gave herself a goatee.
This is only pictures of one smash cake. She actually got to do this three times. She had one at her friends party, one on her actual birthday, and another on her family party. The cake never was old news to her.
I think she thinks she is in Heaven...
MAY 2011
Our trip to Maine. This picture was taken by the tractor at the "Creepy" house.
Trying to keep Addie warm. We actually got these huge pink gloves for her while in Seattle. She sure loves her Papa...I think he might like her too!
Highest point in the East coast!
Addie gets to see the Ocean for the first time!
Feet in the Ocean for the first time, well it really was in an inlet but still counting it...COLD!!!
Halle Rae could be a little model! So cute.
Addie found someone to make out with...she was at it for a while. SO FUNNY!!!
Halle and Mason. They loved seeing Aunt Nanny, Uncle Deven and their cousin Addie!
Fort Knox
Fort Knox
Beautiful Tulips
Waterfall Cascades in Camden, Maine. We ate lunch in the building in the picture. Yum!
Fun window shopping
Model Halle Rae once again...
Beauty eveywhere
Trip to the zoo when we got home. Addie loved the play park.
Addie loved the elephants
JUNE 2011
Photo shoot. Love Addie in her new silver dress. I found it at Bliss in the New Gate Mall. We considered these her One Year Pictures.
She looks confused...
She has such beautiful eyes!
She can walk along the fence. She actually could walk on her own, but she hasn't figured that out yet.
Love summer hiking. Waterfall Canyon.
Fell asleep by the time we got back to the truck.
Even cute with a messy face!
Wagon rides at Grandma Marie's is one of her favorite things to do.
Waterfall Canyon, Deven is so talented.
Swinging in the hammock.
What the crap??? Who makes this face when eating ice cream? My girl Addie! I think it was because it was cold. She wanted more and more and more.
JULY 2011
Loved having the Buxton's come visit! Fun with fireworks.
My gorgeous nieces Madison and Brooklym
Aunt Bailee and Ryker
Buxton's. 4th of July parade in Huntsville, UT
Addie loved the parade. So many things to see.
Garner family picture. I love the 4th of July
Buxton family
Grandma and Grandpa Jackson
Bailee and Ryker with Great Grandma and Grandpa Jackson
Garner family with Great Grandma and Grandpa Jackson
Deven loves this picture of me, seriously not sure why. This book is hilarious...just ask mom. I made her read it.
Ahhh...close your eyes, McKenzie's in the tub...Line Creek in Morgan, UT
Zoo again with the Giacalone family. Addie is touching elephant skin.
Addie loves the Giraffes.
Anthony, Bella and Cassie Giacalone
Deven, McKenzie and Addie with the Giraffes
Addie is getting bigger!
Grandpa's pumpkin patch...Addie fits right in.
Addie loves playing in the play house.
Playing in the backyard.
Mommy...Halloween time!
My Darth Vader pumpkin
Deven's Yoda pumpkin...isn't he amazing!
Addie with Grandma and Grandpa Woolsey
Addie was a little Utes cheerleader, mommy was Princess Laya.
Addie trying to pick up a pumpkin...was having some difficulties.
Loved playing in the snow...we did this ALL The TIME. We also found out we were pregnant early this month! What a fun time mommy was having...NOT! We took Adelaide skiing at Snow Basin. It was way fun until my little monster got too cold.
Santa sets up the presents so nice. Pretty! Also, Buxton's surprised everybody on Christmas Eve and were able to eat Christmas Eve dinner with us. Only Deven and I knew about it so we could make arrangements where they would stay. It was such a lovely surprise for everyone!
Addie was such a cute stink bug opening presents. She was seriously bouncing up and down.
Just thought I would note, that Deven and I found out at the very end of January that we were having another GIRL!!! We were so excited! Can't wait to meet her!
Went to visit Amy, Troy and the kids in West Yellowstone, MO. We went ice skating. Easton didn't want to go. Had a blast. Deven and I went on a snowmobiling tour of the park with Uncle Troy. Addie stayed home and got her fingers smashed in the door. Grandma felt to bad and it probably sooo glad that I decided to blog about it. :-)
Aunt Nan and the twins!
Silly faces!
MARCH 2012
Mommy loves tickling Addie. We got some pictures here. Originally we came to fly Daddy's kite. Addie sure loved to help out and drag the kite behind her on the ground. Wind was pretty strong and it didn't go so well.
APRIL 2012
Easter Egg Hunt...Hislop Style.
There is a family in our ward, they are such neat people. We love them to death. One year, they took their son to an Easter Egg Hunt and it ended up being a disaster with a whole bunch of greedy children. Needless to say, he had a horrible experience. They decided to hold their own Easter Egg Hunt and invite others to join. They only have a few simple rules. They have a lesson of the true meaning of Easter before and teach the children about sharing and giving to show Christ our love for one another. You pick of candy, but you can't put it in your own basket, you have to put it in someone else's basket. And, in turn, others will put candy in your basket. Such a cute idea!!! They do it every year. Addie had the opportunity to participate this year.
Addie is admiring the chickens.
Addie got to touch a new baby chick! She thought it was the neatest thing.
Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Woolsey's. Addie is wearing her Easter Dress! So pretty.
Addie loves her new trike from Grandma and Grandpa Woolsey.
Addie's friends birthday party. This is a swimming pool full of BUBBLES. Made huge bubbles with the Hula Hoop. All the kids ended up getting in and playing in the bubbles.
Addie's family birthday party...she has a mustache! She wasn't fond of it. She kept trying to put it on other people.
Loved opening presents ON HER OWN!
Loves her dress from Uncle Brady and Jacob.
MAY 2012
Feel asleep in her doll pack-in-play. She must have been really sleepy.
Loves tire swings.
An actual four leaf clover. Wow!
Loves tire swings.
An actual four leaf clover. Wow!
Photoshoot at Janet's house. Her two-year pictures.
This picture actually ended up being super cute, but what you don't know is that she has a snail in her mouth. Yuck!
JUNE 2012
JUNE 24, 2012
Born at 10:17 PM
6 lbs. 11 oz.
20 inches
It was such a special day. I was having headaches and retaining water. They were watching my levels to watch for the HELLP syndrome because I had that with Addie. I ended up going to the hospital Sunday morning because of my headache, it was worse than a full blown migraine. I seriously felt dumb going in to the hospital for only a headache but it will be one of those things I can't describe, it was way more than just a headache. They took blood to make sure all of my levels were good. Everything was great except my headache and also that by blood platelets had gone down, just like they did with Adelaide. Dr. Sumsion decided to start me, he didn't want to chance anything because of my past medical history. Plus I made it to 37 weeks. Dr. Sumsion treated me for the HELLP syndrome once again, I have to be hooked up to the Pitocin and magnesium sulfate. This didn't really mesh well with my birth plan. Oh well. They broke my water somewhere between 2 to 2:30PM and I received an extremely light epidural (requested by mom) around 6:30. London Rose Garner was such a beautiful baby. It was such a different experience to keep the baby in the room instead of being whisked away into the NICU. London got to stay with mom from the very start. People in the room were: Mommy, obviously, Dad, Grandma Peggy, Grandpa Richard, Grandma Marie, Aunt Janet and Haleigh, Dr. Sumsion and the nurses. Uncle David and Brock were in the waiting room. Grandpa Richard hid in the corner so he didn't get the ultimate surprise...haha. I fell in love with the name London after a little girl in mom and dads home ward...London Krey. Rose is after Deven's grandmother Rosalie Bybee Garner. This was a Sunday that I will never forget.
Adelaide loved meeting her new sister. Addie was crying because she wanted to hold her sister again! I'm sure she had missed mommy and daddy too!
That's not a tan line just in case you were wondering...it's from the blinds.
London's first night home. We had quite the scare. London was in her crib and we were telling Addie a story (in the same room). I felt the spirit tell me to quickly check on London. There was no reason to do so except that prompting. I immediately jumped up and there was little London Rose blue from head to toe. She had started to choke on some spit up, I assume. Deven and I started suctioning out her mouth and nose and pat her on the back. It took a while. It was such a traumatic experience. It just reminded me that a mother always needs to be in tune with the Holy Spirit so she can do Heavenly Father's will for His children. I love my girls!
JULY 2012
My friend Andrea J Dansie did these photos, she is very talented. Loved these pictures.
4th of July Outfit
At the baseball games in Morgan on the 4th of July! Next stop Janet's for BBQ and Huntsville for fireworks.
Adelaide Lyla Garner
Mommy and London Rose Garner
Deven was experimenting with shadow pictures
London Rose Garner
First dentist appointment...
Addie sure loves her sister.
Addie is reading London a story...how cute.
Bath Time!!
Camping at Rock Creek in Cache National Forrest
Addie was allergic to something...never figured it out.
Bear Lake, UT
We blessed London on Sunday September 16, 2012. It was such a neat blessing, Deven did a wonderful job. I have the blessing written down but do not feel it is appropriate to write it for the blog. If you'd like to hear it, call me and I will read it to you. There is a lady in our ward who does short hand for her job. She jots it down, then translates it. We have received Addie and London's blessings written down. Love having them. Deven's family were able to be there. It meant the world to him to have both of his brothers attend. Afterward, we celebrated with some yummy BBQ pork and rolls and salads. Thanks to all who came and for the rest who couldn't make it but wanted to. We felt your love and support. We took some pictures later on that evening. London looked so beautiful in her dress although it was a tad too big. London was just so tiny!
Mommy and Daughter bracelets, Thanks Janet!
Mommy and London.
I love her smiles, giggles and coos!
Our beautiful Adelaide wanted some pictures taken too!
The Garner Family...Life is Great!