Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Here, There and Everywhere

October came and has gone by rather quickly. I have done much and seen much. I am still working extremely hard and studying at BYU. There is so much to do when it comes to homework. Sorry that I haven't posted much this month. It is crazy. I hardly have time to do anything else besides study and work. My time here has been really fun and exciting. I STILL have not gone on a date yet...way to go KENZIE!!! Trust me, this is not my goal. I really want to go on a date. I actually may or may not have a date for this Saturday with Bobbi Lemmon's cousin. Yes Brooklyn, this boy would be Mrs. Lemmon's nephew! We'll see. Anyway. I am doing well. Here are a whole bunch of pictures that I have taken this month. They are mostly pictures of the BYU campus because that is where I always am.
This is a whole bunch of the equipment that we use at my work. I mainly schedule equipment for professors, students, etc. We also sell software and fix things such as computers, camera, etc. The guys up stairs fix those things, not me silly! Anyways, now I am doing some new things at my job. I am working area 1 on Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 6. BYU campus's buildings are split up into areas, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. 7 is where I work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Don't ask me why they do not have an area 4, they used to but got rid of it. Weird! This equipment that you see here is only a little portion of all the equipment that we use. I have to know how to use, set up, and fix minor things on them. I am learning a lot through this job. It's great!
This desk is where my supervisor sits in the evenings. There are the employee boxes behind there. There are a whole bunch of green folders that hold the logs of all the different areas for the last year or something. Every night, when things on the day logs are completed, this is where we file them. This is a pretty dull blog, I am sorry, but this is what I have been doing.
This is where I sit and do the desk work in area 7 on Mon, Wed, and Fri. It's great!
This is a little pool that they just have on campus. BYU really takes care of its grounds and always makes it beautiful. They have a whole bunch of pretty things like this all over down here. A lot of people will come and sit by this pond to study or couples come down here a lot too! Hehe.
I thought that Travis would like this. I was walking by and they wanted people to join the pre-dental club. I thought it was funny so I took a picture.
I thought of Madison and Brooklyn when I saw this statue. There is no other university that would have a statue of a man, woman and child. I also thought that this was funny. I think that people think that I am funny because I am taking so many random pictures. Anyway. I remembered when me and Ba would swing you guys, it was so much fun. I miss doing that, and I miss you guys. :-(
They have these plants ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! It is crazy. They actually are pretty. Everything here is getting really beautiful because of the session. We are having the same crazy weather as always. It got really cold and was snowing for a while. Today, was pretty warm! But hey! This is Utah we are talking about!!!
This is some weird creation of art.
Another weird creation of art!
AND...This is my weird creation of art. Just kidding. This is something dumb that we were doing in stats to see how much weight certain rubber bands could hold and how much they would stretch. This activity was really fun, even though it doesn't sound very amusing.
Finally, last but not least, these last two pictures were taken back in Clinton. I went home for a weekend and I went to church with Maggie and Emily at the singles ward. We got talking about old times when we used to do stupid things as kids. I could tell you all the stories, but you probably wouldn't be interested...they are things that you just had to be there in order to appreciate them. But, here is one of the stories. When Maggie and I would get bored in class, we would rip up paper and then put the paper down this vent that you see here. We made up that a little boy named Alex lived down there because his mother did not want him. We tried to get him out of the vent but could never manage to do so. So, instead, we always would feed him strips of paper. I realized that paper was a food, after seeing Beckey eat it all the time!!! HAHA. Seriously, so silly! One day, our teacher yelled at us saying that we were going to start the building on fire one day if we were not careful. I don't know whether this was true or not, but we decided that it was time for Alex to go away, so we stopped feeding him. We have very funny memories of our primary days!
HELLO ALEX!!! Are you still down there???

To my family: I love you and I miss you terribly!
To my friends: Ditto.

I hope that I will do something fun this weekend because I do not have to work, so I probably will not go home. I probably will go to a couple Halloween parties down in good-old Provo! Maybe, I will get some pictures!



Anonymous said...

Nan? does ALEX still live down there? I love you. Thanks for not being a liar anymore.

Love, Brooklyn

McKenzie Ann said...

Alex is just made up, but I do not think that he really lives down there. We were just playing

Love you Brookie
Thanks for checking my blog.
Did you read the whole thing?


Beckey said...

Very funny story about Alex! Thanks for updating! Love ya!

bRADy rEEVEs said...

Kenzie, you're so funny. I always love to hear your funny stories, or your dreams. You always tell me your dreams. And they are wierd ones. :) Looks like you're staying busy. I miss you and love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nanny, I'm going to be a vampire this year like you asked on that e-mail. And Miss Halle Pantsy is going to be a chicken. I can't believe it is only 57 more days.

Love, Madison

Bailee said...

Hey Sissy Fish!
I really liked your blog and I am extremely gald that you updated it! I miss you sister fish! I am going to have to come down one of these weekends again. We'll try and plan a time! But I like your job, it sounds very interesting. hahaha well maybe not so much, but we can pretend! I love you Sister! Love Bobby Gail