Wednesday, August 4, 2010

June 2010 Highlights

________Adelaide Lyla Garner's Blessing Day_________
She was blessed on June 13, 2010 by her father Deven Jay Garner in the Roy 14th ward in the Roy West Stake.

___________FAMILY TIME_____________

____Haleigh at Miss Utah, Show Me Your Shoes kickoff!!!____

_____________FATHER'S DAY_____________

__________S'mores Night!____________

__________NEW FRIENDS____________
Rylei (left) and Addie (right) Best friends already!

Adelaide (left) and Bella (right) Best friends already!

Aiden and Adelaide. SO CUTE!!!

Cameryn, Jess, Jude (little tyke) and Addie

Can't remember his name, but that had a "Just diaper date" This was at the BBQ at the Devlin's.

Addie (left) and Bella (right)