Monday, September 17, 2007

Mathematics...I think I'm in love!!!

Here Madison, isn't a beauty?? Better start memorizing and making flash cards. Maybe Nan will bring up those twist string multiplication games that Grandma has at her house. I love you monkey face. I am so proud of you and Brooklyn. I am glad that you guys are both enjoying school. It is so important.

This is my arm after the removal of my lump. It looked a lot worse a couple of days after this. It started to bruise yellow and it was all gross for a little while. The bruise is starting to go away. I can take off that glue stuff that they put on top of my stiches. He stiched inside, they will eventually go away. Anyway, I am glad that my lump is gone!

Here is it again. This isn't a very good picture.

This is the Talmage Building. This is where I have all of my math classes. I am here all the time!!!

TRAVIS, I thought that you would like to know that BYU recycles, not only newspaper for they have places that you can drop things off. It is not as of extensive as in Canada, but all the same. They are at least trying.

Here are some pretty flowers. They have beatiful gardens everywhere on campus. I love it!

This is the Y!!! Yah! GO BYU. It is funny that I am a cougar again. I was in elementary too.

Well, I have to go to my Statistics class. Don't you worry. I'll have fun. I got to hear President Hinckley speak at our Tuesday devotional today. He is so cute! I truly love him and respect him. Talk to you soon. Sorry Madison that I didn't have this posted last night. I fell asleep writing this. XOXOXOXO MISSING YOU TONS BUXTONS!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nanny,
I love you so much and cant wait for you to come up for Christmas. It will be so much fun. How is BYU? I hope you are having fun there. I am making a spider man book. I love you and miss you.


Anonymous said...

dearest nonny,I love you and miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
much! can't wait until christmas

bRADy rEEVEs said...

Nan, you and your math...I'll never understand, but that's what makes you you and we love you for it. Ok, so your arm almost made me barf...yuck! Nasty! That was sick. Glad it's gone for my sake too. JK. No, actually I'm just glad it's not cancer. I noticed it was competing with the poopstain on the same arm. JK. Gee, I'm such an awful mean brother, to tease you like that. I'm sorry. I just like giving you a hard time. I really love you and glad you're ok. Nice campus. Nicer that WSU. I can tell you're missing your girls. Just think, if you work hard, time will fly, and before you know it, you'll be up to Halifax. Wish I could go. Anyway, love you. Gotta run. Chao Chi La Fu Fung Fa!

Beckey said...

Hi Nan! Yes, your arm is gross, but Brady's comment about it "competing with the poopstain on your arm" made me laugh out loud hysterically! Thanks for posting the multiplication table for Madison! I'll have to help her with it! Glad you don't have cancer too by the way!

Love, Beckey

Anonymous said...

First of all sister fish, you are a super math geek!!! but i love it. Your arm looks brutal, i miss you sister and hope to see you soon. I am going to a BYU game with chase here in a little bit and we might have to stop by and say hi. Chase says hi by the way, i am on the phone with him right now. I love you so much,
Love BobbyGail