Hey you guys. I miss you guys so much. I can't wait until you come this summer to visit. I guess Nan is having a BUXTON ATTACK! Anyway. I love you guys. I am happy that you guys are reading Harry Potter together. I am working on a super cute post of the twins and Easton. We had a little bit of a photo shoot. I think I like doing photo shoots! :-) I will probably post that either tonight or tomorrow. Anyway, here are some of my favorite pictures of you guys that are from fun memorable times. Love you.Buxton Family, Mason is still cooking in this picture.
Madison, you make a great milker! HAHA. You look so cute.
Brooklyn, you look so cuddley right here. I love it. I wish I could hug you like that right now.
:-) I love this picture of Halle. She liked taking this picture, but she didn't like me taking away the gum afterwards.
This is little Mason baby. I wish I could rock you right now. Beckey, we need to figure out how to set up Brady's webcam, I need to see this little punk because he just keeps on growing a growing so fast.
Love you guys. Keep watching for the post on some cousins of yours. Tootles.
Monday, February 25, 2008
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by McKenzie Ann at 8:20 AM 2 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I HEART you guys!!!
This person must think quite a bit of themself! I thought it was funny to see this especially this week of Valentines!
The next few pictures are of Sarah's voo-doo doll that she got as a joke gift. They decided to hang him up in our apartment during this week. I actually enjoyed it! It made me laugh. I took all of these pictures at like 2 in the morning for my own amusement.
I bought all of this candy to have in our apartment. I got it for a few people at work and also for my roommates. Everyone seemed to enjoy the sweet gift!
I woke up to this snow on Valentines Day morning! I love the snow, so it was perfect!
I guess that in Alpine, the snow was so bad yesterday that some of the students couldn't get home so they stayed the night in the school! Mom heard that on the news.
This is PapaBear before his haircut. He is so super cute.
He makes me breakfast almost every Saturday when I come home to work. I HEART him! He always remembers that I do not like egg yolks, and leaves them out just for me. He also will scrap my car for me. SO Loving of him. THANKS DADDY!
This is me with Cah around my neck. I am so sad. He is getting too big for his cage, so they will be replacing him with a smaller snake pretty soon. I will miss him for sure. I wish they would let me keep him, but I can't have snakes at Raintree. Here is to Cah. Hope to see you next week.
Lagoon during the winter. You can see the sky coaster that me, Ba and Brooklyn went on.
I am pretty impressed with these pictures. I took them while driving on the freeway. You can see the big bump on Wicked. Madison, you WILL go on this with me this summer. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!
Mom and Dad smootching at The Mandarin. Papabear...after his haircut. He really needed one.
We are somewhat crazy! Look at Dad. Wow...he really is still a kid at heart.
I love eating at the Mandarin. We went during the Chinese New Year. The food was really really delicious. I have some leftovers for today. Yay. Thanks Mom and Dad for dinner.
Nan and Ba are silly. I HEART you Sisterfish.
Posted by McKenzie Ann at 9:44 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Now...this is funny!
I was discussing with a friend today hilarious articles/journals/e-mails. I remembered an article that I read as a junior in high school. I finally found the article on the internet. You MUST MUST MUST read this article. You may even find yourself reading it more than once. It wouldn't be a first time that happened. I wish that I had good-ole Dave's humor. What is funny...I have seen these people who do this method he talks about. Just read it! Let me know what you think...I think you'll enjoy yourselves. I will make one of my own posts soon after Valentines Day. You just wait and see. I bet there are many of you out there who doubt my last statement. Here is the link to the article called, "Snow Immobile" by Dave Barry. ENJOY!!!
Just cut and paste this link into the address bar, I can't get it to create a link for some reason.
Posted by McKenzie Ann at 4:45 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Better Things in Life...well for the past month!
Here is a message from Abby, Kate, Easton, Ba, Nan and Grandpa J. Love you guys. Abby, Kate and Easton saw a few episodes of Wonder Pets while at the cabin. Weird huh? They liked it a lot.This is Maggie and me. We are at Alley's Pizza awaiting Pizza rolls. Yummy.
I just had to take a picture of this. It is so funny. Just read the top for now and cover the rest up. Freedom to Choose! Wow, it is trying to motivate you that whatever is inside will change your life forever. Now uncover the rest...you get to choose...a maxipad or a tampon. Here is my testimonial...my life has changed dramatically! LOL.
Ba and I were eating some Starbursts. My tongued turned half and half colors. Also weird. I know...I know...my tongue looks really appealing right now.
Maggie took some snowboarding lessons from the greatest instructor of all time...MOI! She was pretty good! Bailee was nice enough to lend us some of her equipment. Thanks BA!
I love the ride up the ski lift. It is peaceful and relaxing...but it is very cold on the tush.
Who could this be?
In the parking lot, Maggie was so scared she was shaking! It was pretty funny to see her come down the first little hill. We hadn't even gone up the lift yet. Very amusing. Gotta love the girl.
Zoey, Sarah, McKenzie. My ward had a disco rollerskating night. It was great fun...until I completely fell backward and let my head break my fall. My head was mushy for only two weeks, and I only suffered a massive headache those two weeks. Nothing major. :-) Maybe I am just being a baby, but I also got a blister on my foot from my skates. I still have it. :-(
Kristi Ann and Annie at Disco Night
The playhouse still has the little curtains in the window that I made during the summer. Doesn't it look all pretty with the snow!
Sadie, just think...she is ORANGE! Now, say it like Bear Bear. SHE'S ORANGE! Just think...she likes food, she is trying to get on the deck for something on the grill. So cute.
This is the new screen that Dad and Courtney installed right before the Super Bowl. Yes...it is a major shock that Peggy allowed this type of thing to happen. All she required is that the hooks got painted to match the ceiling and it was a done deal. Way to go mom.
This was our feast for the Super Bowl. Courtney made dinner, Tri-tip sandwiches. He ate these all the time in California. They were really good.
Are BYU students really all that intelligent? Sometimes I wonder. I took these next two pictures one right after the other. This picture...no one is in the car. The car is in the middle of the road. Yes...this is not a parking spot. I went up to get a closer look. I thought that maybe someone was waiting for someone...Or something. Nope. Someone thought they would create their own little nook! So smart.
In this picture...there are two cars...the car at the angle and the car facing sideways. What are people thinking? Sometimes I wonder. I still have to post my collection of pictures of suspicious minivans. Yes...I have quite a few. There seems to be quite a few of them in Provo/Orem.
I absolutely love the snow. Here is our lovely home covered in snow. I love it!
Look at how much snow we got. This was after they plowed our circle, of course, but still there was a lot of snow. I had to drive back to Provo right after this picture was taken, but I still was nonetheless excited about the snow.
Dad is a nut! He did this little ballet move. Very smooth.
This is a date that I went on. It was so much fun. I went with Mark. I work with him. Next to us is Kristine and David, and Rachel and Ben. We went snow shoeing up in the Canyon somewhere. I think it was called Vivian Park. I had a blast. Mark and I found a whole bunch of little snowcaves. We tried to break them, but they were way too strong. I learned how to run in snow shoes...pretty impressive! It's all about the technique baby! Everyone should try this sometime!
Conference Center in SLC, UT
Conference Center in SLC, UT
Salt Lake City LDS Temple
The Utah flag!
These next few clips were some of my favorties. When I was in Salt Lake. I was wandering around Temple Square getting pictures. I ran into some sister missionaries...they told me about a concert that was going to start within minutes. It was the "Interfaith Musical Tribute to the Human Spirit" This past week was dedicated to President Gordon B. Hinckley. Governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. was there to offically declare the Interfaith week dedication. It was so amazing. People from all over the world(Tonga, Egypt, India, etc.) were there to perform different music songs and dances. It was really touching. There were adults and even children in different choirs. There were about 22 different performances. It was truly amazing. At the very end, all the performers and all of the congregation sang a song together called, "Let There Be Peace on Earth". It was very tender. It showed how much President Hinckley was loved and appriciated not only by our church but many other people of differents faiths. The majority of the people there were not members of the LDS church. I had fun talking with many different people. I also talked to many of the sister missionaries. Needless to say, I enjoyed my evening in Salt Lake City. I ended my night and saw the Christus.(Sorry...I don't know how to spell very well.) Here are two of my favorite clips from the concert. I would have taken more, but my camera died.
"Dholna". This dance was done by the Sri Gansha Hindu Temple & India Cultural Center.
This was a drum line dance called "Shinki Itten" performed by the Buddhist Taiko Drummers of the Buddhist Church of Ogden. The sound on this clip is not that great, but I assure you that this performance was spectacular.
Posted by McKenzie Ann at 11:23 PM 6 comments