Ummm...I was reading through my posts from earlier today and found a whole bunch of mistakes. Yes, I am aware of them. I am not going to fix them. Imagine that...the perfectionist McKenzie not fixing minor details. I am going to be chill. Haha. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I also hope that I can stay more current. While I am in Brasil, I will send a type of newsletter to everybody with pictures, and I am going to have Bailee update my blog for me with these news updates. Anyone who wants to stay updated can read my blog. Blog ya later!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
September (Setembro) thus far...
I decided to do a post for the highlights of each month. You are either start in Apirl or you are read from September backwards...whichever works. Love you all! I went to Grandma Jackson's 80th birthday party. I was really special. It was fun to see all the family. Usually Peg and Rich's family take up 3 tables, but this time there were only Mom, Dad, Brady, me, Brett&Megan, and Braxton&Logan. This is Grandma and Grandpa. So cute.
This is all of the Jackson girls together. We all ate great good. Then, all of the great grandkids sang to Grandma. They sang "What's your name little boy" and "Grandmother" from the Primary Song book. Grandma got choked up. After that, the kids split up and went around to different carnival-like games. It was fun.
After the birthday party, I drove around and took lots of pictures of Huntsville. It brought back a lot of memories. Here are some of Pineview Dam and surrounding areas. Enjoy!
This is Deven wearing a tie! Haha. I like ties. I think he does as well.
Posted by McKenzie Ann at 1:00 PM 4 comments
August (Agosto)
I figured that Bailee already did a wonderful job blogging about Hawaii that I would only show some of my favorite pictures. There are beatiful palm trees all over the place. I love them.
This is the Beach that was right by our hotel.
Me and Food at the ocean.
I was able to go through a session at the Hawaii temple. It was beautiful. I took quite a few pictures of the temple grounds. Here are some of my favorite ones.
This building is the tabernacle, where we actually went to church. All of the rooms are indoors but the connecting hallways are outdoors. It was an amazing building. Very pretty.
Bailee, Mom and I went to Macaroni Grill for Ba's birthday. Happy birthday Ba!!! She looked adorable.
Ambre' Pitkin left for her mission. This is me, Ambre' and Jana. I will miss you Ambre', I am so proud of you. Also, I was very much jealous that she got to leave before me. She is going to the Milan Italy mission.Good luck!
Posted by McKenzie Ann at 12:50 PM 1 comments
July (Julho)
I remember the night that the Buxton's pulled in. I had had a feeling that they were not going to stop in Wyoming and drive straight through and get here in the middle of the night. Bailee and I set up camp in the front yard and went to sleep. I woke up by the sound of a dog...Mocha. Bailee and I jumped up out of our sleeping bags and made Beckey jump. She didn't know that we were outside. I was soooo excited to see them. Finally we went to bed. We had a lot of fun times this summer that I will never forget. This is a picture of me and the kids on the 4th of July. I love the 4th.
THis is the night of the fireworks at Huntsville. Beckey put these glow circles on her boobs. Lol. Nice pic, don't be mad at me for blogging about it but it was too funny to pass up. It actually was my idea. Imagine that?
This is Food posing like Kelly Clarkson as she was singing at fireworks.
On the 5th of July. I went through the temple, it was such a wonderful experience. There were many people there to support me. I had such an awesome day. After that, we went to eat at the Pi Pizzeria.
Mason in his blessing suit. SO cute. He always smiles so big...except for the following picture. I had to put it up, because even though he is crying it was so cute. His cry makes me laugh...I know I am morbid.
I loved when we all went to Lagoon, it was the Buxton's, me, Ba, Amy, Kate, Abby, and Easton. We had a blast even though it was hectic trying to keep everyone together. :-)
Easton at his Baptism. It was really neat. I am so proud of him. He is such a sweet kid.
These next pictures, I took while waiting in line for Batman, The Dark Night to come out. I had a blast! Many people were dressed up. I set up camp Tuesday Night. Nerdy, I know. I seriously studied Preach My Gospel and Portuguese most of the time. I had a unique experience of peeing in a Gatorade bottle inside my tent in the wee hours of the morning. Haha. Not unlike me at all.
I taught a lesson about missionary work in Primary. We made name tags and wore them. I thought these pictures were adorable. Me and Snookielynn are companions.
We also got to go to the zoo this summer which was very fun. I had to leave early to go to my mission prep class, but I had tons of fun. The Buxton Girls at the zoo. Cute!
Posted by McKenzie Ann at 12:25 PM 2 comments
Everybody...this is Deven Jay Garner! This picture was taken on one of our date to temple square. We were going to go iceskating that day, but by the time we got to Bountiful, it wouldn't have been worth the while to go. Instead, we went to Salt Lake and saw the Joseph Smith movie and walked around the beautiful temple grounds and got some fun pictures. After that, we went to IHop.
This is one of the flowers on temple square.
Happy Birthday Easton. I love your guts. This is the BIG 8!!! Pictures from the party...
Well...I won't go into the story in detail, but here is a picture of me with all the recall cards that DID NOT EVER GET SENT OUT from February till the end of May becaue of some slacker. I had to pick up the slack and try to catch the office back up on their recalls because the schedules looked like crap. Haha...not really. I was not too happy about it.
This was a random picture that I look at Lagoon (featuring me,Ba, Parker and Max's hands)
This is my friend Kira. I met her at that camping trip back in May. She is such a sweetheart. Beneath that is a picture of some girls that I met at a play. Janet, David, Parker, Haleigh, Brock, Mom, Dad and I went to "Saturday's Warriors" the play at Roy High School for family home evening. These girls were sitting in front of me. I heard one of the girls call the other Bailee. I told her that I had a sister named Bailee. I then asked her what her name was and sure enough it was McKenzie. Cute huh?
FINALLY...after much anticipation. I get my call. Hope you enjoyed watching this since you couldn't be there except on the phone. I am actually sad that I didn't show more emotion while opening my call. I assure you that I was way more excited than I seem here. It was approximately five o'clock in the morning and Thursday June 19, 2008. I was told that it would come that Wednesday. I waited and waited and waited. It never came. Mom even went out in her care and tracked down the mail lady and asked her to look for the envelope. She did, but couldn't find it. We thought that maybe it would still come, but no go. I was bummed. I stayed at Janet's house that night because I was watching Riley while they were on their vacation. I got woken up around 4:30 by Courtney I think. They had called the Post Office and they told them they could come pick it up. I got woken up and was directly handed my call. I got Riley and took him to my house. Mom, Dad, Brett, Brady, Courtney, Becky, Bailee and Riley were there when I opened it. I hope Grandma Smith was there as well! We also had numberous people on the phone while I opened it...Beckey and Travis, Troy, and Amy. Maybe there were a few more, I can't remember. Everyone made their guesses to where I was going. I opened it and read it to myself first then read it aloud. My intuition was correct. For some reason, I knew that I would not speak French but I had a feeling that I would go out of the country. I immediatly starting loving the idea of Brasil! Haha...I had never heard of Rio de Janeiro before as you can see I didn't know how to pronouce it. Lol. I had decided that after opening my call,whoever in the family that could go...I wanted to go eat the closest food possible to what they eat there. Mom, Dad, Court, Becky and I went to eat at the Braza Grill. I learned my first Portuguese word there...Thank you which is Obrigada (for girls) and Obrigado (for boys). It was a fabulous day.
Before opening my call.THE ACTUAL CALL. Signed by President Thomas Spencer Monson
The family
Me at the Braza Grill holding the flag of Brasil. Yay!
Posted by McKenzie Ann at 11:28 AM 6 comments
I went with Amy to get the girls pictures taken for their dance team. They were being so silly. Abby was completely cheesing it up but Kate was terrified and would not smile or pose, but as soon as we had exited the building, she would pose forme. So here are pictures of the twins in their dance outfits. So cute.
This is probably my favorite non-roller coaster ride at Lagoon. I would always go with Parker before the Buxtons's arrived in town. Haha.
Happy Birthday Braxton. He was super cute on his birthday, I got him his favorite present, toy cars. He loved them, as soon as he had opened those, he wasn't interested in any of his other presents. They had to make him open them. So funny. I was excited because I was nervous getting his present because I have no clue what to buy boys.
Braxton and Nanny at the birthday party!
I took the twins out on a date with Nan day. I took them to my work and showed them around. We held the lizard Max and then looked at the Nemo fish in our aquarium. After that, I got them sugar-free suckers and popcicles. We all had funny coloured :-) tongues.
After Pediatric Dentistry, I took them to Layton Park where we played on the toys. This is the twins at the bottom of their favorite slide.
We took a million and a half picture at the park. Here is a cute one in front of some pretty flowers. The twins got to meet a cop. I taught them that cops were nice and friendly and not to be afraid of them. Abby was under the impression that they were "mean and bad". Haha.
We went and feed the ducks. Also taking pictures all around the pretty scenery.
The weekend right before my birthday, I went camping up on some property in Morgan. I went up with a whole bunch of people that I now hang out with quite a bit. One of them being BOYFRIEND. Yes, girlies, Nan has a boyfriend. Silly, huh? He wasn't actually my boyfriend until Halle's Birthday this year. I had a fun time camping. We went 4-wheeling and Nan shot a gun for the first time. I was no good. So if you get on my bad side and I decided to put you on my "list"'re still pretty safe unless I go for the knife, then you're a goner! Just Kidding. Here are some pictures.
Nan being silly at work! I got a few whistles when I was outside posing! Haha. I am such a nerd.
Posted by McKenzie Ann at 10:33 AM 3 comments