Wednesday, September 24, 2008

July (Julho)

I remember the night that the Buxton's pulled in. I had had a feeling that they were not going to stop in Wyoming and drive straight through and get here in the middle of the night. Bailee and I set up camp in the front yard and went to sleep. I woke up by the sound of a dog...Mocha. Bailee and I jumped up out of our sleeping bags and made Beckey jump. She didn't know that we were outside. I was soooo excited to see them. Finally we went to bed. We had a lot of fun times this summer that I will never forget. This is a picture of me and the kids on the 4th of July. I love the 4th.
THis is the night of the fireworks at Huntsville. Beckey put these glow circles on her boobs. Lol. Nice pic, don't be mad at me for blogging about it but it was too funny to pass up. It actually was my idea. Imagine that?
This is Food posing like Kelly Clarkson as she was singing at fireworks.
On the 5th of July. I went through the temple, it was such a wonderful experience. There were many people there to support me. I had such an awesome day. After that, we went to eat at the Pi Pizzeria.
Mason in his blessing suit. SO cute. He always smiles so big...except for the following picture. I had to put it up, because even though he is crying it was so cute. His cry makes me laugh...I know I am morbid.

I loved when we all went to Lagoon, it was the Buxton's, me, Ba, Amy, Kate, Abby, and Easton. We had a blast even though it was hectic trying to keep everyone together. :-)
Easton at his Baptism. It was really neat. I am so proud of him. He is such a sweet kid.
These next pictures, I took while waiting in line for Batman, The Dark Night to come out. I had a blast! Many people were dressed up. I set up camp Tuesday Night. Nerdy, I know. I seriously studied Preach My Gospel and Portuguese most of the time. I had a unique experience of peeing in a Gatorade bottle inside my tent in the wee hours of the morning. Haha. Not unlike me at all.

I taught a lesson about missionary work in Primary. We made name tags and wore them. I thought these pictures were adorable. Me and Snookielynn are companions.

We also got to go to the zoo this summer which was very fun. I had to leave early to go to my mission prep class, but I had tons of fun. The Buxton Girls at the zoo. Cute!


Beckey said...

Wow, that was pretty much all summer in a nutshell eh? First, I cannot believe you posted that pic with me and the glow in the dark BOOBS!!! What the?? Actually it was pretty funny and I did laugh out loud!!! Second, the pic of Mason crying is pretty funny. It's sad but he looks so damn cute you can't help but laugh. Third, you were a nerd for spending all that time standing in line for the dark night and PEEING in a gatorade bottle, but it made for some fun memories for you didn't it? You look cute in the batman mask and I can just barely tell you are wearing Travis's shirt!!! Fourth, hanging out and going to Lagoon with you was super fun and I know the kids loved it! They love you so much!

McKenzie Ann said...

I know. I love them too! I wish I could have some time with them before I leave, but I guess that is what the summer was for. Time is going to fly by, I know it will. Before you know it, I will be getting home, and you will be getting ready to come back to the U.S. as well. Hopefully in Utah. Tell the girls and boy that I love them.